Friday, February 1, 2013

Facts about tooth decay

There are quite a lot of facts about tooth decay. This is a very ancient disease, it was discovered the turtles belonging to the bronze age, and there was no dental clinics, that's something people were martyred. This is an extremely common disease that 99% of people are living on the Earth. In addition, there is a very mysterious cavities more than 400 versions of its origin.

The stereotype is that the abundance of sweets causes tooth decay, it is not true. The main importance is the frequency of consumption of sweets and duration of placement in the mouth. 

Animals usually do not tend to decay. They do not suffer from this disease even with frequent use of the so-called cariogenic foods.

In men decay occurs twice less likely than women. This may be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Additionally ladies often use sweets and starchy foods. In right-handers the left cavities of the jaw occurs much less frequently because they are more intense brush their teeth in this area. It is not strange, but nothing like the left-handed is not revealed

Only 1% of the population do not have tooth decay - is taken separately lucky, belonging to different nations of the world, all Inuit and Aboriginal gunzu tribe living in the mountains of southern Pamirs. The people of the Middle Ages, believed to have rotten teeth were a sign of prosperity and wealth. Only wealthy people could afford sweets and delicious foods cause tooth decay.

Also there are some facts about tooth decay, when he was fed with the kiss without. Love and a sense of this is of course very well, but no one is avoiding your mouth healthy.

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