Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Benefits of Black Pepper to Fight Fat and Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Example usage of "": automatically translated by Google English Spanish Indonesian Alpha Benefits of Rock Sugar

A new study explains extensively about the effects of black pepper to the fat. The study, published in the journal ACS 'Chemistry of Agriculture and Food, piperine items found in black pepper - pungent substance and if the taste gives a distinctive flavor of black pepper, piperine may also conclude that block the formation of new fat cells.

Soo-Jong Um, Ji-Cheon Jeong and colleagues explain that previous studies show that piperine reduces fat levels in the bloodstream and have other beneficial health effects. Black pepper and black pepper has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat the eastern indigestion, pain, inflammation and other disorders. Although black pepper has been used since long as a traditional medicine, scientists know little about how piperine works at the molecular level. Scientists today continue to search for information about the effects of piperine on fat.

From their results based on laboratory testing found that piperine can inhibit the activity of genes that control the formation of new fat cells. Thus, piperine may also trigger metabolic chain reaction that helps keep fat under control. The scientists suggest the use of black pepper in the broader fight against obesity and the diseases associated with excess fat as well as other benefits such as the above

Benefits of Rock Sugar

When we eat foods that contain carbohydrates, the carbohydrates are converted into blood sugar first and then the pancreas needs to produce insulin to convert blood sugar into energy, here we will use the index Tired Pancreas or body to measure its impact. As a reference, the pancreas and the body will feel tired when the index value Tired of +3 or greater.Benefits of Sugar StoneFor the pancreas and the body, sugar cubes have different effects with sugar, rock sugar to convert into blood sugar, takes the same time is about 3 minutes. To convert blood sugar into energy, it can take about 3 minutes.Tired index pancreas is also much lower, which means lower +0.0005 10,000 x than sugar, pancreas almost do not feel tired to convert sugar into energy. This means that sugar is still a healthy complex carbohydrates. Thus, sugar is a food that is much healthier than white sugar. The normal pancreas is able to convert 6 tablespoons sugar cubesinto energy every day or about 60 grams.Rock Sugar Benefits IndexBy using this method the energy gained Benefits Index of the pancreas from the three types of sugar Sugar, Sugar Stone, Brown Sugar. Sugar yielded negative results, both for the body and for the pancreas, which means detrimental to health. Sugar and brown sugar give a positive result for the body and pancreas, which means beneficial to health.Sugar: Benefits Index of the body = -15, the pancreas = -5.Sugar Stone: Benefit of the body index = +5, the pancreas = +3.Brown sugar: index = +5 benefits to the body, the pancreas = +3.So that the pancreas does not fatigue and stay healthy, we should consume more sugar and sugar cubes are still a healthy complex carbohydrates. By eating a lot of sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is not healthy, the pancreas gets tired and will consequently ill and subsequently damaged. It will also lead to obesity and diabetes. Additionally, you should not consume excessive sugar, brown sugar or even sugar cubes, because the pancreas also has the ability to convert the sugar limits to energy.If the above explanation was that my friend do not understand, please post it in the comments. May be useful thanks.

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