Friday, July 26, 2013

How to get rid of a toothache

Many are wondering How to get rid of a toothache. Most include a toothache to the most stringent tests, which accrue to the common man, of whom want to quickly get rid of. Tooth pain is not always on time, and in some cases the doctor away and a long commute. In order to "survive" to meet with the dentist, curbed the toothache, please use some of the ways to facilitate attacks toothache.

How to remove a toothache at home

The causes of pain may be several. This may be a tooth decay, and the crack in the enamel. The first causes a toothache in the pulp or nerve, even if inhaled air the second brings unpleasant sensations when you try to eat hot or cold with a distinct sour / sweet taste of the dish. If the attacks of toothache will be long, it may be a head ache, swollen cheek and temperature jump.

The most effective medication for relieving toothaches are Analginum and Nurofen, even stronger - Ketanol, Baralgin. They are able to dull toothache and suspend a small inflammation. If the listed drugs in the medicine cabinet nothing happened to come up and miniature cotton swab soaked in valokordin.

But count on the fact that dental pain recede forever, do not. Try to get an appointment with the dentist before the tooth is as unhealthy remind yourself again.

If the doctor the next day to get fails, to prevent tooth ache with the same force, periodically do a mouthwash with water and propolis tincture (calculation - a few drops to a glass of warm water), or use a soda or salt solution.

Severe attack of toothache, you can arrest the lotion from the same propolis - a pure drip a few drops on a cotton ball and apply to the sore tooth. 20 minutes later a toothache must retreat. You can use this method only once, as in frequent contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth clean propolis may cause damage to it.

Our grandmothers used for toothache decoction of sage. To prepare the treatment liquid tablespoon of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Once the broth configure themselves, they should rinse your mouth.

How to get rid of toothache

There is a folk medicine and rather exotic, but effective methods of influencing the toothache. One of them - tear plantain leaf and paste shallow in the ear, located on the same side of the head, and that disturbing the tooth. After half an hour should come relief. In order not to make a new disease, wash the plantain before you start using it for other purposes.

Another way - garlic. Garlic cloves, peeled, lightly rub the wrist, on the opposite side of the aching tooth. Just do not overdo it, garlic is easy to cause burns on the skin, especially at such a tender spot.

You can try to prepare for the aching tooth healing mixture of salt, onion and garlic. Gruel, richly flavored with dry salt (the proportion of 1 to 1), set into a hollow tooth, and then covered it with a thin layer of cotton wool. The salt will draw exudate (fluid collecting in the tissues or cavities of inflammation), volatile onion and garlic disinfect problem areas.

A piece of bacon (you can use both fresh and salt) should be applied between the cheek and the bad tooth. And, in practice, the method is really effective.

How To Get Rid Of Toothache
One of the non-traditional methods of treatment of dental pain is a massage, but not simple, and the point. It has long been proven that specific points on the body responsible for the operation of the different organs, as well as nerve endings and pain. So, to get rid of toothache, massage place between the thumb and index finger. You need to massage the opposite direction from the patient's tooth hand. Perform a smooth, circular motion, without any special effort. The points that are responsible for dental pain, and are on the ears. Perform massage at the tip of the ear of the ear, which is located on one side of a tooth bothering you. Do it gently between thumb and index fingers of the hand. Scientists have shown that when crying significantly reduced the pressure on the gums and tooth pain subsides, so do not hesitate to cry for medicinal purposes. If the toothache is not strong, try to distract yourself, do some interesting, fascinating thing, and perhaps it will help you to forget the unpleasant sensations. But, in spite of the fact disappear toothache or not, do not delay going to the dentist, because the affected tooth requires treatment, but this traditional methods you are unlikely to help. Pay due attention to the teeth, look after them, and then they will be in excellent condition until old age, and you hardly ever have to use the recommendations listed above.

Even a small bout of toothache - is proof that your condition of the oral cavity in need of medical help, so do not tighten your visit to the dentist.

Enjoy your days with a toothache and white-toothed smile and never ask questions about how to get rid of a toothache.

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