Sunday, August 18, 2013

Herbal Medicine

Healthy with Herbal

Herbal MedicineHerbal Treatment increasingly in demand by the public. Especially patients who suffer from quite severe. Herbal medicine is considered as a new hope for healing various diseases.
The high cost of conventional medicine as well as fear of side effects caused by these drugs, many people make the switch to herbal medicine. As a result, herbal medicine became a beacon of hope for patients with various diseases complaints. Particularly severe enough disease like cancer.

Looking at the current condition, lifestyle trends are now beginning to get back on the use of products made from natural. In many countries, this is known as the "new green wave" or the new green wave in the English language. This movement seeks to reuse materials that come from nature.

25000-30000 species of plants in Indonesia, at least 9,600 of them potentially as much as medicine. However, so far only 300 species of plants used by traditional medicine industry.

According to Dr. Dwi Ratna Sari H MKK, herb helps the healing process by strengthening the affected tissue and repair the damage, stop bleeding, eliminate toxins, relieve pain. "Herbal medicine can also increase cellular immunity and hormonal function," said Dwi.

But actually, herbal medicine works as a complement rather than a substitute for conventional medicines which have been prescribed by a doctor. So, even though the drug is safe to consume at the same time the patient also was taking medication from a doctor. Just give pause time 2-3 hours after patients take medicine physician administration.

However Dwi admitted, not least among patients who had refused conventional treatment and switch to herbal medicine. There is also a cancer patient who decided to undergo chemotherapy rather than following herbal therapy.

"By following the instructions given as a diet, many of my patients who were healed," said a doctor who practiced in Mulyasari Medika Clinic.

In addition to taking herbal medicine, it helps cancer patients also keep the food. Cancer patients should not consume meat, especially the four-legged animal meat. However, patients were allowed to eat the occasional chicken or fish. Vegetables are mandatory menu that should exist in every hour to eat. When this herbal treatment, Dwi said, the most important is the psychological condition of the patient. Patients should always think positive and be willing to go through the whole treatment.

"First, the patient must be sure that the medication will bring it to cure, and the patient," beber team Herbal Indonesian Medical Doctors Association.

Patience is required because the herbs do not work quickly, but it takes time, unlike drugs that doctors prescribe. This herbal medicine is much sought after by cancer patients.

Unfortunately, according to the Chairman of the Natural Products Research Association Dr. Radji infallible, yet many people are researching the efficacy of herbal drugs in vivo (directly to cancer patients) human. However sectorally, Cancer Hospital Dharmais (RSKD), Jakarta, and Sutomo Doctors Hospital, Surabaya, has started. Some hospitals in Indonesia today is providing poly herbal. Herbal treatment is also in some places has been covered by Askes.

Infallible added, governance of the Ministry of Health while still using synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, and the application of modern technologies cancer. Herbal medicine expected to accompany chemotherapy and mutually support each other.

According to haematological and Internist RSKD Professor Dr. Dr. Arry Harryanto Reksodiputro SpPDKHOM, herbal medicine is effective for improving body immunity of cancer patients. His statement was based on a study done for the 15 nasopharyngeal cancer patients in the hospital Dharmais during the past year. In these studies, ARRY taking herbal drugs derived from extracts of Chinese herbal medicine called tien-hsien liquid. This medicine contains a variety of content, including Cordyceps sinensis, Oldenlandia diffusae, Indigo pulverata levis, and Polyporus umbellatus.

Research conducted on nasopharyngeal cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The result, herbal medication for four weeks can improve the immunity of cancer patients who typically decreases from chemotherapy or radiation.

According to experts

According Arry, Chinese herbal medicine in the average merit increase functions of blood cells that play a role in the immune response. Furthermore Arry said, most of the herbal remedies do not have the effect of killing cancer cells directly in contrast to synthetic drugs, which directly attack cancer cells.
"Herbal medicine is supportive, such as raises appetite, relieve pain, make people not limp anymore, and increase endurance," he said.
He explained that this research is still preliminary study or a new preliminary evaluation. To look holistically, more studies need to be done to cancer patients. Looking ahead, it is possible there is an interaction between herbal medicine and modern.

Tips treatment

Or vice versa, even herbal remedies to strengthen the effects of chemotherapy. The herbal medicine is still necessary synchronization in the limit of in vitro studies to in vivo studies. According to the infallible, which is still an issue is the calculation of the dose.

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