Thursday, April 25, 2013

Do not Ignore This Important Mineral Healthy If You Want Nerves

Magnesium is a macro mineral that is essential for overall health. Most of the magnesium contained in the bones and muscles. While the rest are scattered throughout the cell and body fluids.

Magnesium body can not produce itself, so we need to meet the need of magnesium from food. At the advanced level, magnesium deficiency can result in convulsions, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, increased heart rate, weakening of bones, headaches and high blood pressure.

Magnesium to relax the muscles
Magnesium is an essential mineral for healthy nerves and muscles. Magnesium is known as the calming mineral because it can make all the nerves to relax. Especially for those who like to do weight training.
Magnesium works as a barrier and prevents calcium to reach into the nerve cells quickly. Excess calcium can attack nerve cells and causes our nervous system to overreact. By blocking calcium, magnesium helps relax the nerves. When nerve cells act excessively, it can cause seizures, muscle cramps, muscle tension, muscle pain and muscle fatigue.

Lowering High Blood Pressure
Useful addition to the muscles and nerves, magnesium also plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as high blood pressure. In a meta analysis of 23 studies involving 1,173 patients on the benefits of magnesium, known to those taking magnesium supplements experienced a decrease in systolic pressure of approximately 3-4 mmHg and 2-3 mmHg diastolic.
Despite the decline, but the decline is not large enough to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Relieves Asthma
Magnesium improve lung function and relieve asthma attacks by facilitating widening and relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles that make up the respiratory tract. Thus, constriction of the airways can be prevented. In addition, magnesium may prevent airway inflammation by inhibiting cholinergic transmission or with a prostacyclin production and T-lymphocyte cells that can prevent inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Preventing Diabetes
According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, published in the journal Diabetes Care, noted that eating a diet high in magnesium may significantly lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Magnesium plays a role in improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic inflammation, and ultimately reduce the risk of diabetes.
"Increasing magnesium intake may be important for improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic inflammation, and reduce the risk of diabetes," the researchers wrote.

Food sources of Magnesium
Sources of foods that contain a lot of magnesium include know, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, wheat bran, brazil nuts, soy flour, almonds, cashew nuts, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, pine nuts and black walnuts. Other good food sources include beans, whole wheat flour, wheat flour, spinach, pistachio nuts, cereals, oatmeal, bananas and baked potatoes (with skin), chocolate and cocoa powder. Most of the plants, herbs and seaweed such as agar-agar seaweed, coriander, celery seed, sage, dried mustard, basil, cocoa powder, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, tarragon, marjoram, poppy seeds also provide magnesium.

Magnesium is available in a variety of forms, but the forms are recommended include magnesium citrate, magnesium gluconate, and magnesium lactate, all of which are easily absorbed by the body than other forms of

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