Okay, so I had a friend over for Shabbat services and we were talking Torah. She brought up the topic of how much meat is eaten and that the prophets say that the ETERNAL NEVER asked for animal sacrifices (Jer. 7). Well, it was on! I began to reference all of the scriptures that I know concerning Kashrut, animal sacrifice, the feast days and so on...Then I realized that I had heard the very same statement from another brother that came to the Shavuot celebration. Now that was two people in less than a few months. I began to consider the thought that what I thought I knew about the will of the ETERNAL was being challenged and that I need to go into a serious study concerning this issue.
So I began...
Two weeks later, I am seriously considering the idea of removing all meat from my family's diet. Why, you ask. Didn't the ETERNAL give us clean animals to eat and sacrifices were really big "cook outs" anyway, right? The truth of the matter is that we have to consider the original diet given by the Most High. We must ask ourselves if eating meat is in the "PERFECT" or "ACCEPTABLE" will of the ETERNAL. We must consider the conditions in which animals were raised in the bible days and compare that to the factory farming of today. We must consider the commands given to Noach, Moshe and others in the Torah and why they were given. If we follow on to know the "Perfect" will of the ETERNAL, we may find that it is not in the eating of meat.
Herein lies the beginning of my search for the truth of the matter. I will follow up with a few scriptural incidences for us to consider.
For right now, I am not eating meat, although I am still eating fish, eggs and dairy. Walk with me thru my journey of discovery and let us find the conclusion of the whole matter.
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